Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Lotus Flower Tattoo | Lotus Flower Tattoo Meaning

Lotus Flower Tattoo. Lotus flowers have always been a symbol of many Asian cultures and religions, especially in India. Maybe that's why the tattoo lotus flower is so popular. Did you know that this beautiful flower starts to grow from the bottom of a pool of 'mud? Over time, as it grows in the light path. Once you actually reached the water surface, is when the flower starts to bloom and become a beautiful flower.

A Hindu and Buddhist religions, this flower is a symbol of awakening to the reality of religious life. Between the two religions, the meaning varies slightly different, but both religions increasingly important in the lotus. For admirers of modern tattoos sense simply refers to the representation of "life in general." Just as the beautiful lotus flower that growth begins at the bottom of a sheath of clay into something beautiful and people can also grow and evolve into something more beautiful. Thus the symbol represents our struggle in life for growth and change.
