Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Scarlett Johansson Tattoo | Scarlett Johansson Tattoo Meaning

Scarlett Johansson Tattoo. Do tattoos make you feel different? Most people say they do not feel different, but some people. The results of a survey in 2008 showed that: 31% of people said they felt sexier with a tattoo,36% said they felt more rebellious. 19% felt attractive and strong. How do you feel when you get your first tattoo? There is one in three chance you will feel sexy and all the same degree of possibility that you will feel more rebellious. You can fall in all groups and feel sexier, more rebellious, more powerful and attractive - a powerful combination. If you can then ensure that more people line up to get inked.

Angelina Jolie seems to be a person who embodies all groups. She looks so sexy, sexy and strong. She is rebellious to the extent that does not allow the convention dictates how you live. So their tattoos make them feel this way or are simply a sign of his personality, his character? Maybe a mixture of both.
